Coming Soon Products

What is Coming Soon and How Does it Work?

With more than 21 years in business, my suppliers know me well by now. As arguably their biggest long term buyer, and having both the great business relationships and friendships we have, they know what I am looking for, and for years have been kind enough to send me pictures after de-barking, allowing me to choose first after harvesting trips and set pieces aside until I'm ready for shipment, giving me the opportunity to gauge interest and advertise during what could be 6 months or more before I take delivery. Because I believe in giving all customers an equal opportunity to "get a crack at new inventory" and I have so many customers ask to be notified when I do commit to purchasing new inventory, I offer you the opportunity to pre-purchase now - while a shipment is either still being assembled in Australia or in transit to the US - with the benefit of a 10% discount. The same normal discounts I offer - either free shipping or 10% discount (in lieu of free shipping to AK/HI/Internationally) for orders over $350 still apply to pre-purchases.

Once I've selected and posted items on my business Facebook page or here on my Coming Soon page, they are available for pre-purchase.
Pre-purchasing requires payment now, earning you a 10% discount and helping my cash flow.

Product Code Legend

BELS - Birdseye Lace Sheoak
BM - Brown Mallee
BML - Black Morrel
BB - Bimblebox
C - Concinna
CB - Coolibah
CBB - Cleland's Blackbutt
FG - Flooded Gum
GIM - Gimlet
GM - Giant Mallee
GSM - Greenstone Mallee
H - Horistes
IB - Iron Bark
JB - Jarrah
KM - Kingsmill Mallee
LS - Lace Sheoak
R - Rigidula
RFM - Corrugata
NRFM - Northern Corrugata
NYG - Northern York Gum
RB - Red Box
RBM - Ribbon Bark Mallee
RE - Red Mallee
RM - Red Morrel
RG - Red River Gum
RW - Aussie Redwood
S - Snappy Gum
SA - Salt Gum
SG - Salmon Gum
SR - Snap & Rattle
SW - Aussie Snakewood
VA - Vasticola
YB - Yellow Box
YG - York Gum
YOR - Yorrel
WTM - White Mallee
WM - Woodline Mallee
WW - Wheatbelt Wandoo

Coming Soon 2024-1 was delivered 12/30. As of 14 January, 10 RFM, 19 YG, 17 YOR and 71 small 1-2 kg burls remain to be marked and photo'd (plus the 5 of 31 Lace Sheoak not pre-sold that I want to clean up/further process). All but 2 pre-purchased orders shipped as requested.

Shipment 2024-2 is mostly Red Mallee. All burls available for PRE-PURCHASE. Awaiting a shipping quote. Sailing 21 February. EDD Late March/Early April 2025.

Goldfields Burls, Banksia Pods, Sheoak

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Began uploading pictures 3 January and shipped 7 of 25 Pre-Orders 4 January for Shipment 2024-1. I'm more than half way through photographing and posting. LOTS more pictures to take and upload. Uploaded Ewarts (EW), Granite Rock Box (GRB), Greenstone (GSM), Gimlet (GIM), Horistes (H), Jarrah (JB), Red Morrel (RM), Salmon Gum (SG), Vasticola (VA) and all gummy Corrugata (RFM), York Gum (YG) and Yorrel (YOR). Continuing processing/photography/upload over the next few days. Simultaneously processing pre-purchase orders for shipment.

7 January . . . A bit chilly with stiff breeze and wind chill in the 20s. Uploaded Concinna, Aussie Redwood and more Corrugata, York Gum and Yorrel. I have nearly 100 more marked and in the queue for photographing 8 January. I also try to mark the remaining 110 or so caps (plus 71 small burls) to photo on Thursday. I have most Pre-Purchases wrapped and set aside for shipment as soon as I'm able.

8/9 January . . . Posted a bunch of RFM and YG this morning (9 JAN). Accomplished a lot yesterday but ran out of steam processing the hundreds of pictures I took yesterday. I actually got more accomplished than expected. I have fewer than 70 RFM, YG and YOR left to mark and photo (plus 71 small burls) today (Thursday). I have most Pre-Purchases wrapped and set aside for shipment as soon as I'm able.

10 January . . . Posted a bunch of RFM, YOR and few YG. What remains to be measured/marked/photo'd are 10 RFM, 19 YG, 17 YOR and 71 small 1-2 kg burls, plus 5 Lace Sheoak. I've had to shift focus to putting everything away as a fair amount of snow is expected. Planning to get Pre-Purchase orders set aside boxed and on their way to UPS (if open Saturday) anbd early next week. Will finish remaining items as soon as I'm able.

13 January . . . All but 2 Pre-Purchase orders were shipped today. Tomorrow and the rest of this week will be for measuring/marking/photo'ing the remaining 10 RFM, 19 YG, 17 YOR and 71 small 1-2 kg burls, plus 5 Lace Sheoak.

17 January . . . Posted 71 small 1-2 kg burls on Small Burls Page 6. Will finish measuring/marking the remaining 10 RFM/19 YG/17 YOR this weekend and photo on Monday when the sun reappears. Will further process remaining 5 Lace Sheoak.

20 January . . . Posted the remaining Corrugata, York Gum and Yorrel burls. I'll further process the remaining 5 Lace Sheoak (26 were pre-sold) as soon as I have sufficient time.

DELIVERED 12/30. Processing and simultaneously preparing Pre-Orders for shipment. If you pre-purchased anything and want me to hold off shipping until you've had a chance to view the whole shipment, please let me know. I have done all the work of preparing the website pages to add items as annotated and photo'd.

Awaiting delivery Chesapeake, VA . . . I paid ECU on 17 December for Direct Pickup and Same-Day Delivery from the STG Warehouse in New Jersey. It cost me a good deal of extra money compared to a normal, routine delivery, but because this shipment has taken a little bit longer than originally expected (and the time of year), I considered it a worthwhile expenditure to get customers their orders more quickly . . . That was the plan . . . Other things needed to happen prior to its release, but the shipment was available for pickup as of Friday, 20 December. That did not happen. Nor did it happen on Monday, 23 December, despite my repeatedly contacting the ECU agent. Nor did it happen on 24 December as promised (because ECU "didn't know the STG Warehouse was closing at 1200" on Christmas Eve. After the 1 week "free storage" period has expired at the warehouse, STG wanted more money . . . a significant amount. Needless to say, ECU was forced to cover additional charges. The bottom line is this: I don't have an answer just yet on delivery. I expected to have one on 12/26. That didn't happen. After repeated badgering, ECU finally had the shipment picked up the afternoon of Friday, 12/27 but were somehow surprised (how I don't know) by the transit time from N. Bergen, NJ to Chesapeake, VA via the New Jersey Turnpike. It was not delivered 12/27 even though I remained available past 10 PM . . . I know those who've pre-purchased would, rightfully so, like to know when I expect to begin shipping pre-orders. Though later than I was told/planned, I was expecting delivery 12/26 - then ECU informed me that they "didn't know STG was closing at 1200 on 12/24." Then I was told late evening 12/27. That didn't happen. As of this morning, 12/28 ECU still cannot provide driver contact info or a delivery window. I'll deal with their professional negligence and incompetence separately, directly contacting their US Director of Operations. I'm angry . . . REALLY angry. Incompetence and laziness make my blood boil. I'll deal with ECU accordingly in time, but for now my sole focus in on getting this shipment delived as quickly as possible so I can start processing while simultaneously shipping pre-purchase orders. I don't ever hide information from customers or make excuses when things do not go as expected. I take responsibility and give customers - my lifeblood as a small businessman - the best possible, most accurate, up-to-date information I can provide. I humbly apologize for a grossly unsatisfactory final delivery process and this needless, unacceptable delay in fulfilling pre-purchase orders. I'll update as I have credible, hard delivery window . . . 12/30 Truck FINALLY arrived late AM without a functional liftgate. I rented a 5K forklift locallly and unloaded myself. I'll spare you further details of this whole delivery fiasco from the CFS in New Jersey. Suffice it to say, you wouldn't believe the level of incompetence if I told you. My sole focus at this point is unloading, processing and preparing/shipping pre-purchase orders . . . Jim


319 Red Mallee (RE), 6 Gummy Brown Mallee (BM), 6 Coolibah (CB)

ESD from Australia: 21 FEB 2025